"His scholarship is centered on data-driven work; a relentless applier of logic and critical thinking."
- The American Conservative
Congressional Testimony
COVID-19 Accountability Hearing
COVID-19: How New Information Should Drive Policy
Proposals to Achieve Universal Health Care Coverage
Expanding and Incentivizing Health Savings Accounts
Selected Commentary and Profiles
Today’s Public Health Emergency: Restoring Trust With Seven Steps
The public health emergency of the SARS2-CoV pandemic ended long ago, but America faces a new emergency. Faith in health agencies has plummeted more rapidly since 2019 than any other government institution, with almost two-thirds now rating the FDA and the CDC as “only fair or poor.” Half of America no longer has much confidence in science itself.
Sanders’ Medicare-for-All Would Destroy America’s Health Care
As part of his gaslighting, Sanders won’t admit that countries with decades of single-payer experience now shift patients to the private sector to hide single-payer failures.
Stop Ignoring Facts and Fix Health Care for Minorities and the Poor
We cannot continue to allow government elites to pretend to care about the disadvantaged, yet repeatedly harm low-income families and minorities with their policies.
New Priorities in U.S. Health and Science Policy: Autonomy and Accountability
How we restore public trust in our medical institutions
WHO do you Trust?
At what point are transparency and accountability to the people required of America's leaders?
America’s COVID Response Was Based on Lies
Lies were told. Those lies harmed the public. Those lies were directly contrary to the evidence, to decades of knowledge on viral pandemics, and to long-established fundamental biology.
Sins Against Children
America uniquely sacrificed its children by closing in-person schools in 2020 and 2021, forcing testing and quarantining of asymptomatic, healthy students and requiring injection of experimental drugs in schoolchildren with no clear benefit to them.
When Will Academia Account for its COVID Failures?
We need universities to be robust centers of debate, not rigid enforcers of ideological conformity.
Lockdown Inutili. E la Scienza lo Sapeva
Dr. Atlas discusses the inefficiency of COVID lockdowns with Italy’s LaVerita.
The Stanford Review Interviews Dr. Scott Atlas
“We need good people to step forward. In life, there are very few opportunities where you are that important, where you have a chance to help your country, your fellow citizens. When it comes up, you have to be bold enough to step forward and rise up against the criticism.”
The Ethical Principles of Public Health
During the SARS2 coronavirus pandemic, fundamental principles of public health were ignored, and trust in public health has been damaged. As experts in public health, medical science, ethics, and health policy, we propose the following ten principles to guide public health officials and scientists, in order to ensure the credibility of public health recommendations and to help restore public trust.
America Needs a Rebirth of Science
The nation’s experience during Covid has revealed that the scientific community is not giving Americans what they need, what they deserve, and what they pay for. We must do better.
How Panic Spread in the Early Days of COVID-19
It was February 2020, and news accounts had been describing increasingly alarming information about a deadly new virus emanating from Wuhan, China. Apart from my general concern about the spread of the infection, I was confused about some of the basic numbers being aired.
Lockdown Sceptic Scott Atlas: ‘The big Issue Exposed by COVID is Civil Liberties’
Atlas is waiting for me outside Le Diplomate, a French bistro beloved of the American political class. “So, you don’t eat indoors at all?” he asks as we sit down.