"His scholarship is centered on data-driven work; a relentless applier of logic and critical thinking."
- The American Conservative
Congressional Testimony
COVID-19 Accountability Hearing
COVID-19: How New Information Should Drive Policy
Proposals to Achieve Universal Health Care Coverage
Expanding and Incentivizing Health Savings Accounts
Selected Commentary and Profiles
Sanders’ Medicare-for-All Would Destroy America’s Health Care
As part of his gaslighting, Sanders won’t admit that countries with decades of single-payer experience now shift patients to the private sector to hide single-payer failures.
Stop Ignoring Facts and Fix Health Care for Minorities and the Poor
We cannot continue to allow government elites to pretend to care about the disadvantaged, yet repeatedly harm low-income families and minorities with their policies.
New Priorities in U.S. Health and Science Policy: Autonomy and Accountability
How we restore public trust in our medical institutions
WHO do you Trust?
At what point are transparency and accountability to the people required of America's leaders?
America Needs a Rebirth of Science
The nation’s experience during Covid has revealed that the scientific community is not giving Americans what they need, what they deserve, and what they pay for. We must do better.
The Costs of Regulation and Centralization in Healthcare
Reviewing the performance of single-payer health systems versus the United States system. Suggesting an alternative approach that offers simplification via strategic deregulation to enhance market competition.
Relying on Foreign Drugs Is Dangerous
Generics are often made in India, with ingredients from China. Time to diversify the supply chain.